Saturday, June 18, 2011

Windows Steady Work

The windows steady work virus is a malware developed by makers of fake softwares. If you have been getting security scans and adverts promoting the windows steady work serial number, read this article and learn how to fix windows steady work- infected computer.

The windows steady work
The "windows steady work" is a variant of fake-Microsoft Security Essentials. The windows steady notice alerts may inform you that there are issues within your computer that can be fixed by paying for a windows steady work license. Do not be deceived because the software being promoted will not fix errors in your computer because this is just a clone of other the rogue windows verifying center and the quickdefender scam.

How to get rid of windows steady software hoax adverts

This article on fake antivirus removal will provide you information on dealing with rogue software. You may want to get rid this post to glean information on how to remove windows steady work.


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