Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Windows Monitoring Utility

Before you spend your money on the windows Monitoring utility serial number adverted to you, you may want to read this post on the windows monitoring utility virus that promotes the non working windows monitoring security software.

Windows Monitoring Utility Scam
The malware is known to cause fake scans in infected computers. The adverts also tell computer users that what they are using is the trial version of Windows Monitoring Utility and that the serial number should be purchased and entered so the software can fix issues with the computer. Do not believe in this deceit.

Clones of the virus Windows Monitoring Utility include the Windows trouble killer and windows 7 recovery advanced module malware.

Windows Monitoring Removal: How to remove Windows Monitoring Utility malware
This article on fake antiviruses will give you an idea how to get rid of windows monitoring utility virus from an infected computer.


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