Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Internet Security Virus

The vista and xp internet security 2012, security ultimate pack and the internet security essentials virus are just versions of the fake internet security virus, a malware designed to make people believe security threats such as viruses and trojans have been detected in the computer system. These internet security scams make use of this so they can easily peddle the non working internet security software that they promote.

The internet security scam

Tell tale signs of virus internet security infection include your PC constantly bombarding you with alerts of viruses and malwares in your system followed by adverts urging you to download or pay for a particular security software's license key. This is a hoax.

Internet Security Removal: How to get rid of internet security virus

Getting rid of internet security is imperative. This article on fake antivirus removal will provide you with information on how to remove internet security virus as well as similar other fake security malware infections.


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