Sunday, June 5, 2011

The website promotes yet another fake antivirus called PC Defender Pro ultimate protection and secure. The website can appear legitimate and the PC Defender Pro 2011 may look like a working security software but you are advised not to fall to this scheme. *

The Pc Defender Pro Scam
The PC Defender virus has intended to make itself appear as a legitimate security tool so it can easily be sold. Fake antiviruses are known to operate through affiliated websites such as the purported to be operated by a a company calling itself PC Defender Pro Technologies or A-Soft. Do not be deceived and buy the "pcprodefender" antivirus. This scam operates by masquerading as a reliable security software site to steal people's money. Related malicious websites include the activesecuritypro com.

PC Defender Pro Removal: How to get rid of PC Defendee Virus
For a detailed guide on removing fake antivirus infections, visit this page on how to remove fake anti-viruses. This will give you an idea how to remove pc defender pro fake antivirus from an infected computer.

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