Friday, May 13, 2011

Apple Security Center

Scammers seemed to be focusing on mac users for rogue software attacks. Fake antiviruses such as MacDefender and Macprotector are being promoted through rogue Apple security center pages. This "Apple Security Centre" malware makes itself appear as legitimate by seemingly running a virus scan on your computer. The apple security hoax program would then display warnings of malwares that do not actually exist in your system.

To help protect your computer, apple web security have detected trojans and ready to remove them.

Symptoms of Apple Security Center Hijacker

This particular apple virus protection scam can appear as a legitimate scanner but you may notice that it runs in your web browser or email client. To stop or remove apple security center adverts, quit from using your browser or email client. Once you do, the fake scans and adverts will also likely stop showing up. The files flagged by this browser hijacker as infected may NOT also actually exist in your system.


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