Friday, May 13, 2011

Cleaned Guard

The cleanguard 2011 scam: Cleaned Guard Securing your PC is a software promoted by the websites and This cleaned guard 2011 antivirus claims to be running on over 80 million computers worldwide and promotes itself by displaying "testimonies" and "reviews" from their customers. You may notice however that once you try to verify those reviews, they do not actually lead to working links.

Cleaned Guard also claims to have a new social networking protection for popular sites like facebook but do not be easily convinced. Be cautious of this Clean guard antivirus. The cleaner guard website do not appear credible and the claims of the cleaned guard av are also questionable.

Should you need to buy or install antivirus protection tools, do not trust unheard of security tools such as this
cleanerguard especially in these times where rogue softwares are rampant. Buy only from established and known security software companies.

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