Thursday, May 19, 2011

Facebook Scam Removal

Beware of Facebook Scams that appear to show you funny videos or scandalous pictures. Once you are enticed to click on these messages, you will likely be made to visit sites where you will be bombarded with ads or surveys. It is also possible that by clicking on these messages, you will download malicious files such as viruses, trojans and other malwares into your computer.

Nevertheless, if you have already clicked on these messages and your account is starting to send clickjacking and spammy messages on facebook, here's a guide on how to remove facebook scam messages and applications:

Facebook Scam Removal

1. Click the x beside the malicious message to remove the post or report as spam.

2. Go to your Account> Privacy Settings. Under Apps and Websites, click  ‘Edit Your Settings’

facebook scam

3. Under 'Apps You Use' , click "Remove unwanted or spammy apps".
4. Find and click on the malicious app (which is likely the most recent app you use before your account started to send spammy facebook messages).

5. Click on ‘Edit Settings’ and ‘remove app’.

What you can do with Facebook Scams

  • Make sure that you immediately remove those messages in your wall or report them as spam.

  • If a friend keeps sending such messages, warn him or her about it.

Other messages that you should avoid on facebook include hoax and chain messages that easily spread and often contain misleading or wrong information.



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