Monday, May 2, 2011

The software Quick Defender 2011 Antivirus distributed by the website is marketed as a software that provides "Proactive Personalized Protection". The Quick Defender website also claims that the Quick Defender features new social networking protection from popular sites like Facebook. You may also notice displayed testimonies from purportedly satisfied customers.

The quickdefender anti virus
Unfortunately, quick defender is yet another fake antivirus protection tool. Like most rogue softwares including the Alfa Defender promoted by the similarly malicious, this program promoted by masquerades as a reliable software so people will be enticed to purchase or download the software.

Symptoms of antivirus scams include the adverted software being constantly promoted to your screen via popups. The malware may also generate false and non existent security issues in your PC.

For information on how to remove Quick Defender virus, you may want to check this post on how to get rid of fake antivirus.


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