Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Mac Guard

The mac guard scam: Following the proliferation of fake mac antiviruses Mac Defender and Mac Protector, scammers have yet again released a new rogue software targeted to Mac users, the macguard. This article on the mac guard virus provides information on what is mac guard antivirus and how to remove macguard scam infection.

The mac guard software
The people behind the macguard virus has designed the mac guard malware to look like a legitimate software for people using apple computers. Unfortunately, this software is no working security guard for mac. Like regular windows based fake softwares, this rogue mac guard security software is characterized by popups showing fake system scans. The malware would then take you to a control center screen where you will be enticed to register and pay for the program. Do not trust the macguard malware.

Mac Guard removal: How to get rid of mac guard

If your system is infected by the mac gaurd malware, you are encouraged to get rid of “mac guard".

How to remove Macguard
Here's the steps on removing the mac guard malware.
1. Open Activity Monitor from the Utilities folder. Make sure the drop-down menu is set to "all processes."

2. Use the search field in Activity Monitor to search for Macguard.

3. Click on the Macguard process. Click the "Quit Process" button. Click "Force Quit."

4. Drag the Macguard program (installed in the Applications folder by default) to the Trash. Empty the Trash.

5. Remove MacProtecter from the Login Items for your Account in the OS X System Preferences (if it exists).


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