Sunday, May 8, 2011

Free Subway Gift Cards Limited Time

Warning: Free Subway Gift Cards - Limited Time is a facebook scam leading them to a survey page and which does not contain the content they want to see or read.. The “Free Subway Gift Cards - Limited Time”scam, as with most facebook viruses is characterized by having tabloid like subjects and links so facebook users will be interested to read on them and click on the attached malcious links.

Another characteristic of this facebook malware is that it can automate posting of messages in your friends' walls. The application may also spam them through messages, chat or tag unrelated photos of them using your facebook account.:

I Love Subway

Free Subway Gift Cards- Limited Time
Get your free subway gift card now! click for details.

Facebook Virus Removal: How to remove Free Subway Gift Cards - Limited Time
You must get rid of this application's post in your wall. Removal of the malicious messages and link can help prevent your friends from clicking on those malicious links .

For most facebook spam applications that post messages in your wall, you can click the x mark beside your post to either remove the application or revoke publishing rights.

You may also need to check your facebook account's settings to remove this malicious facebook scam application:
Go to the the Privacy Settings page
Click on ‘Edit Your Settings’ under Apps and Websites.
In the ‘Apps You Use’ section, locate the application
Click on ‘Edit Settings’ and remove all unwanted and malicious facebook apps.

You must also contact your cellphone carrier if you have submitted your number to any of the surveys to avoid bogus charges from appearing in your account. You must also avoid downloading files such as games as these may have viruses that can infect your computer. Use a reliable antivirus and do a system scan.

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