Saturday, May 7, 2011

Mac Protector

The mac protector security software is a fake antivirus supposedly for apple users. The rogue mac protector security tool is promoted through malicious adverts and misleading popups generated by the mac protector virus itself. A similar malware is the mac sheild. If you are having issues with the mac protector scam, you may want to read this article for information on how to remove macprotector virus.

What is macprotector? The Macprotector Scam
A clone of rogue antiviruses targeted to IOS / Mac users is the fake mac protector antivirus. Similar to most fake antiviruses, the macprotector virus and its predecessors Mac Defender, the mac shield virus and Mac Security are characterized by causing infected computers to show fake alerts. The macprotector virus advises that there are malware and security threats in a computer and gives the impression that the advertised mac protector antivirus software can remove the problem. The Malware Protector virus would then prompt a computer user to buy or pay for the Mac Protector software, which, unfortunately, is a non working software. Likely victims of this mac protector av scam are Mac users who believed their systems have been compromised by mac viruses, trojans and spywares and that this particular mac protector fake mac antivirus is the solution.

Removing the mac protector malware: How to remove Macprotector
1. Open Activity Monitor from the Utilities folder. Make sure the drop-down menu is set to "all processes."

2. Use the search field in Activity Monitor to search for MacProtector.

3. Click on the MacProtector process. Click the "Quit Process" button. Click "Force Quit."

4. Drag the MacProtector program (installed in the Applications folder by default) to the Trash. Empty the Trash.

5. Remove MacProtecter from the Login Items for your Account in the OS X System Preferences (if it exists).

Do tell your friends about this fake mac protector scam. This will help prevent the spread of the macprotector malware.


Imran said...

Thank you so much. That Mac Protector attacked my Mac today and I would never have gotten rid of it without the help of your article. Thank you so very much.

David Bruffett Sr. said...

Thank you for posting this help article. You have saved me alot of grief and aggravation. Went crazy for two days looking for a solution.

Angie Carrasco said...

Thanks! Unfortunately I fell for this stupid scam today while I was checking my email and clicked on an email from Macy's. I went ahead and had all my credit cards cancelled. I have definitely learned my lesson. Hope this is a definite solution.

melvin metzker said...

Great product - infected last night, immediately gone with your instructions. Thanks.

Magnus said...

Ok... so big thanks for your article. But one important question remains...
Do they get access to files and stuff when the virus have entered the computer?
When I accidentielly pushed "scan" on the mac protector, it looked like it was scanning some of my file.
In other words... is something damaged? And how do I fix it other then remove the virus.
PS. I did not click on the purchase button or registered anything. I just pressed scan.

I would be very thankful if someone could answer. Kinda worried here:(

Richard said...

thanks for helping I also fell for this stupid scam, I've had mac's for more than 10 years and never had a problem like this before. Is this the start of something for apple uses?..... I hope not.

Jim said...

I also had problems with mac protector. It popped up spontaneously with a window telling me that my mac was infected with malware. It offered free services to clean up the mac, but then requested credit card info which I refused. Then Porno pages began to come up spontaneously on my computer. In that the latter was new and in that it was associated with mac protect's insistence that I buy protection, I became suspicious. I trashed the mac protector from my apps and then applied "apps trap" to ensure that all aspects of the app was removed. I have not had any recurrence of the spontaneous porno pages or the mac protect solicitation. Beware!!!!!!

Brendan said...

Boy do I feel like an idiot. Thanks for the help with removing the software. I was wondering what Jim meant by setting 'app traps', seems like a good idea since I was getting viagra and porn sites popping up, too. Is there any other measures to I can take to find out if files on my hard drive have been compromised.

Jim said...

Brendan, the app trap removes all associated files that the any application might have placed on your hard drive-----such as the ones that might be causing the pop ups etc. This is the website for info-----

Don't feel bad, they were masterful in the way they engineered their message and presentation.

Mark said...

Thanks for your tip I got rid off this macProtector. I got into this trap and they took money from my credit card but I contacted my bank right away and I file scam claim. I really feel so stupid!! Beware!!!!

Gordon said...

The best help ever! Thanks!

John Defor said...

thanks a lot. would have been helpless without you, shweeeeeu! what a great relief!

Surbhi said...

hey fell for this scam n changed my credit card password..but do i need to cancel the card??.. scary shit

boedisanz said...

thanks...this articel very helpful....:)

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